Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....Let me introduce the blogger..Thats me, looking fierce, but I dont bite... tooo much.
This is a blog which promises to be as different as every other blogger. (there are certainly not enough fashion/style related blogs out there! to be honest.. I think that is impossible!)
My recent move to Dubai has seen more then just a sun tan, my studio is quickly becoming a creative lil den for me. Although leaving New York seems mad to most ..ok, everyone! Its been the best thing ever. The bright lights of NY's East Village nightlife was far too attractive to me, and those nights spent at the bar, (or under it.... or on top of it) are now far more productive. Not that I didnt take anything with me from those dayz.
This blog will be more then a mini intro to my fashion line, which is evolving so fast.... Its looking far more buffi-ish..which is bit worrying.. as I know, some things... only I could wear! But, we will see.... I want this to be a sauce for inspiration for peeps all across the globe...
I would love to have a fashion/stylist correspondant from London, Melbourne and New York to feed me with awesomeness style, art, music from around the globe... If you think this could be you... send me some info, ideas and what ya got to offer! Send pix, links, ANYTHING!
Whether you are a designer, a fashion student, a photographer, a musician or a nobody with some interesting info for me...pls feel free to add to the blog! Lets make some colorful magic happen here...
looking forward to hearing from some inspiring people.....
Buffi Simone.
Buffi you rock! I can't wait to see yr clothes line!
I am a fashion student ,I impressed on your site.Lets make some colorful magic here... thank you
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