Did someone die and did I end up at the funeral? Thats how I felt towards the end of the week.
Ok, so its a little harsh... but someone has to be...without gaining anymore enemies.. (its been a bad week for me, with fist fights on set with the agency to ruining a girls life, I think I have earned myself a first class one-way ticket to hell...) I think being a new place and all, with fashion still in its infancy, we can all be a bit nicey nicey here in this little bubble we call Dubai... I mean I am all about supporting my competitor (right).. but I have to say, I did have fun sitting in the front row bitching about the garments that were litterally falling off the models, or cut so oddly that they couldnt walk right... unless that is how they walk.. I wont mention names, becuase, well... see beginning of paragraph....
The after party was alright, the music was too quiet, there was far too much talkin, not enough dancing..or food. The food we did order was picked at by others; next time I suggest supplying more then nuts to hungry dubai-ians, who are not models and need a lot more for a thursday night out.. I know, being a victim to that dubai 5kg or whatever it is that everyone warns you about when you first move here.
I did get some good pics though.. which I'll share with you.. tomorrow... for now, here is a pic of me and my mini-me, Deeya...
Maybe I'll have something nicer to say tomorrow.. I think I am PMS-ing right now. It was not soooo bad, but the AMAZING reviews I read everywhere else told a different story to my impressions on the shows. I will post the good, bad and the ugly tomorrow...
nighty night xx
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