why is it that this time of year i always seem to wake up with some bits of meat and cheese in my mouth (Okay so its so not every this-time-of year, but it is today). Last night was just another night insane night in Dubai...from spending the whole day, not kidding, I had 3 fruit juices during the duration of the 6 hours, YES< 6 hours we spend in M O E (pronounced EM-OH-EEEEEE, as me and the sis like to say, and stands for Mall of the Emirates, if ya didn't know) Xmas shopping and Crimbo party shopping, trailer trash style, yes, that is the theme of our party... and NO it is for no apparent reason except to give me a good enough reason to excuse myself for my normal attire which usually arouses the question "what did you come as?" this time.. need no explanation.. init??
Oh, and in case you were wondering... the meat and cheese in my mouth was from the Arab food stuff we munched on in the early hours of the morning after we'd spend the best part of the night dancing at the new club in doobs, well.. maybe it wasn't dancing so much (wink wink nod nod, tee hee).
So I have the next few days of being completely wasted and have to work out how I am going to get through the extremely hedonistic for days ... I have a funny feeling Christmas in Dubai is not going to be like Xmas in the country side in the Uk with the parents..
So here's the DL, hit some fancy pantsy bar, with little character, clientele-wise, people is suits FREAK me out, I just, I just don't get them. Its like this whole weird world, and everyone is wearing suits.. I get real nervous and have to drink lots. So we downed some rather tasty french martini's had a quick boogey to the live band who cheered us up with "I'm an Alien" and some other non-xmas related crimbo songs, and jumped in a cab and headed to my girl Tamster-troubleton, where they were doin' their best to keep the noise level down while her mumma got some rest.. NOT! it was insane in there, we were greated by Justin, who was nursing a hippo who had terrible windy pops and a peeing problem, Tony who was looking a lot like Garth from wayne's world, and tammy who was, actually, she was being normal and gorgeous, but it was a mad hatter's tea, no, vodka party, and I was glad to be in! no a suit in sight, I felt safe, so downed some vodka, purely to catch up...
We headed over to the new club, Elegante, which honestly should come with a safety warning.. There are hidden steps made for tripping over, I am going to suggest better lighting.. or no steps to them, or not. I don't know, but its damn dangerous if you ask me..mreeeeee
With mini trumpets and tiny useless violins me and the crew were a force to be reckon'd with (is that the saying, what does it mean anyway).
SO now, well and truely hungover, or prob still drunk, I am going to get a facial, a massage and maybe drink some more fruit juice to prep for tonights parties.. 2 launches to go to, a magazine launch and a beauty salon, all roof top parties.... ahh... what is a girl to do!???
Outside my window, in the garden, I can see a christmas tree, and it looks like the one out of the Charlie Brown Xmas special... ya all know that one, right? I found some awesomely special giant bauble and its made my day!
MERRY CRIMBO to the lot of ya! I wish ya all a wonderful holiday and hope that next year ya all join the gym, quit smoking, drink less, eat better and make sure you pick up all the bad habits so that this time, next year, we can do it all over again..
(lost the lead for my camara but pix of the trouble and the xmas tree will be up soon.. as I am sure you are all dying to see!)