here are some pix for recent events and shoots I've been workin'. this is the desert fish shoot..:

the middle 3 pix are from the motorola event i did at the fancy burj el arab!:

and the last 4 pix are from the Hilton shoot, i had one long ass drive in lia's rather unstable car, aka Lucky.. The most chill shoot ever.. everything went extremely smoothy, andw e were taken really good care of too! thanks nats!:

This week has been quiet a week for lil ol' me here in lil old doobs, a place that moves so fast, I'm never ready for the weekend. Its also the time of year when you get to reflect a little on the year.. and dang, what a year its been..
It started out pretty damn bad, a restraining order, an evil evil boyfriend (who has decided to contact me, via email last night! he actually has the freakin' nerve to email me about his broken heart! I can't believe it!), leavin NY for Doobs, 4 more tattoos, hair extensions, changing jobs, starting own company.. twise... and now it's the end of the year.
I have over come my fear of driving in Dubai, and have been working harder and enjoying it more then ever.
Without boring ya all with my whole year... I thought I'd let ya into some of the things that have been keepin me going this week.
til next time.
What I'm listening to: Velvet Underground.
What I'm watching: Desperately Seeking Susan (and all other badass 80s flicks)
What I'm wearing: Charity store plastic beads, too much eye liner, small hats, neon nail polish (chipped)
What I'm loving: Lazy weekends.
Now playing: Prince - 1999
via FoxyTunes
1 comment:
Mike Jagger and I are wishing you all the luck for your show! we cannot wait to see the pics!
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