Sunday, December 16, 2007

On top of my game

So I'm feeling pretty good these dayz... besides being slightly pale and still a few Kgs over what I'd like, but we cant all be perfect!.. but that is something I am going to get rid of...TODAY! ok, might take a bit longer but whateverz..

So after winning 2nd place, (winning sounds more positive then simply 'coming second') with cash prize under my belt, I now have a little bit to put invest into my collection. So I will be on air this week chatting about fashion related stuff, and the Avant Garde fashion comp, of course!

After a K-K-Krazy weekend, which began weds, as I was wiped from the 6months dedication to the fashion show, I had to get wasted, and we began our night at a fancy-pantsy place where there serve mini pieces of toast made for barbie dolls.. I would imagine.. so freakin cute though.. like real mini bread, with the top bit rounded, ya know? ended up at Zinc, which is the armpit of all armpits.. I dont know where they find the people who go to this meat market.. well, I say that.. but I did bump into 2 peeps that I know.. But this place, is like, THE WORST! after downing 2 bull frogs, which are not shots, but huge glasses full of something that looks like what comes out of the power plant in the Simpsons, me and the sister were drun-gry (thats hungry when your drunk in my terms) we headed to this place and demanded "Meat and Cheese", not sure what exactly it was that we wanted.. But we left satisfied.

Night after was my "winning" night! which also happened to be lia's night of winning too (the Jashanmal sisters do it again.. well not again,... just...erm DO IT)..thanks to her whole I'm-French thing she's got going, and listening to French radio all the time, she won a comp when doing her weekly french radio listening, which was tickets to a DIFF after party (Dubai International Film Festival) which was awesome.. held at this amazing venue here in Doobs, with free flowing champs and fancy cocktails, as well as the most amazing nibbles (I gave in and ate mini amounts of carbs!..I HAD to though!).. WE then met some MTV peeps who the sister knew from the last DIFF, when she was a famous gal on the red carpet, chatting to celebs and shit. Showed these boys how to P A R T Y at the Apartment.. by feeding them shots and then stubbled back home..

With a killer hangover and little sleep the next day, being Friday, I got up and prepared for the Xmas Party I was attending.. Naughty Nativity.. for fear of dressing like anyone else, I put on my best thinkin cap, and knew I'd be safe as a not-so-sexy Christmas tree...(bingo!). But with some cute hells, and a dress which was slightly titty revealing, I think I was a little closer to Naughty then your average plastic Carrefour Xmas tree.. Covered in tinsel and baubles I jumped in my cab. As freakin' usual...NIGHTMARE journey..

I am the type a gal who likes to be the driving seat.. and I cant handle TAXI's in Dubai.. NIGHTMARE ever f***in' time! After driving round for an hour (a journey which should have been half an hour) the dude dumped me in the middle of no where, and told me to find my own why..

So there I was, dressed as a slightly-sexy xmas tree, with a look to kill.. hardly your xmas spirit...

Made it, got there, got wasted, had fun.. pix to follow..

After another killer hangover, well, it was shakes really, I spend a lovely jubbly day with the sister..

EVERYONE: go and see Across the Universe...its incredible, this dude, Jim Sturgess, who I went to school with, is AMAZING in it... its AMAZING! we got to see it on bean bags at the out door cinema.. which was pretty bad ass...

Yestersady, I woke up,... still hungover.. but more cranky.. I was feeling the effects . Then I got a call.. which put me back on top of my game!..Voted into the Top Hot 100 in Doobs! Keep ya posted on the photo shoot for that this week or next...

Happy Crimbo to all of you!!!!!


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