so, its been one hell of a scandalous week... or has it been two? I have no clue... You know how people talk about the New York minute? What about the freakin' Dubai minute? Or the Dubai week? Its like, the fastest week in the whole world. And I have had my fair share of speedy weeks to know this! Not sure if its just me, but I don't even have time to party... ok, its defo just me. Dubai + not-partying, dont got together, except for me!... which is tragic, especial for this blog, and more importantly, my readers.. hear I have a little bit of a fan base back in the UK... woo hooo... but your hands up for the readers in the UK (ok, so its my best friends Bex and Liz...actually, fuck, they prob don't read it anymore!)
after a rather interesting beginning to the week, (I found myself post-private-celeb-party-shenanigans (yup, I'm afraid that is all your getting on that rather interesting, and at points rather naked event) exhausted and recovering for the full week! But this week has been rather awesome for a savvy lil old stylist in Dubs. I managed to get arse into gear and managed working rather well on one hell of a hang over, lets just say I drunk a lot of champs, and some interesting shots, and took my top off.. but thats all your getting....
I finally got to work with Peter Richweisz, of mag Desert Fish, who is by far the best photographer in Dubs, check out his sites:
So keep your eyes open for the next issue of Desert Fish, out in Dec! woo hoo! its going to be one hell of a ride kids!
I did challenge him, who could get the best shots; I thought he was up to quiet a challenge, me with my fancy oh-you-can-drop-it,oh-you-can-put-it-in-water-and-it-wont-break camera. But surprise, surprise.. yeah, no competition. He is so badass, freakin awesome, and even thought the model is clearly stunning, he works that camera in such a way that I 'couldn't help buy wonder' (said just like SJP in EVERY episode of SATC, go watch it! if you didnt know that, you weren't watching hard enough) how I might look if I got in front of his lens, or is it behind his lens? I don't know... But if he took a piccy of me, I think even I could look awesome!
Although I said to myself "NO More styling jobs for a few weeks, get QRPD up and running" I can't help but say...yes. I am even thinking of making it a full time job and dressing more like Patricia Fields meets Anna Piaggi.. which is slowly happening on its own anyway... It is actually often, that a silly girl like me, gets called a
grandma when I think I am dressed up for a night out.. someone's just not getting it! Or Dubai is just not getting me. Which I am fine with.. I think its safer to remain the fruit loop with the flower in her hair, bag of tissues and too many note books for now.
So.. next week I will be styling an event at the Burj Al Arab, which I am pretty damn excited about... I havent been in, and from what I've heard its sounds damn right untastefully revoltingly over-the-top bad-and-wrong.... my cup of tea. Actually, coffee... I'm into coffee these days, but just one, in the morning. I'll be juggling this with another job for a hotel (totally top secret right now, not really but I'll go into it later), and I'll be put up in a hotel the night before the shoot as its a 3hr drive away.. which I think sounds rather fun!
I've also been doing a bit of fashion related writing for Infusion mag and trying to bring a little of what I know about fashion, design, and style to Dubai.. not sure if it is working.. the 300 words I have to cram on the 2 very mini pages doesn't give me enough freedom as lets say... this never ending story of a blog. But it's fun to have work "published". I get to use the word "Press" now at events, and tell people I am a "writer" or a "journalist" with an air about me, and people nod at me with that "oh that explains the intellectual image" look. (sure.)
Is it just me.. or does everyone feel like a kid just playing grown up? I do.. I really do! the only way I can get work done, is to pretend that it's my job. Which is weird, cos it is my job, and I dont need to pretend.. I guess its more fun to "play" grown up, instead of actually being one.
On that note.. I think I'll give ya my round ups of the week, and a few suggestions for ya all if your board.. I mean bored, unless you are a board-game:
1.MUSIC: check out Cyanide Valentine. I saw these guys in NY and they defo rocked my tequila-infused-boat, with songs like Freaks, from their old album and The Sweetest Season from their new shit,how can you not love them? and even more, love to dance to them. A mixture of dance, rock and some trippy d and b soundz will have you just as confused as me, but loving the new sounds pumpin' from yo beatbox, so pump that shit up, turn the lights low, invite some friends round for a seance, and get into it!:
2.if you have a TV (sounds like a weird thing to say.. if someone had said that to me I would have thought they were weird, but I am guessing you came to that conclusion long before this. You see, I don't have one, I only get to see tv once every 1-2weeks when I hang at my mummas). So if you like a bit of cheese, as in cheesey terrible tv, think Bold and the Beautiful but even more awesomely worse, this is what you should be watching, and what is penciled in my diary for those odd evenings when I am not working, check this shit out:
Wicked, Wicked Games
3. Where do I get my energy from? I hear you all scream... its all about the tuna and cottage cheese this month. this combo with a bit of arabic styley flav thrown in there, matoubul is like the best food ever! stick some tabouli in it and ya got my interpretation of an Arabic dish.
4. Ya wanna get my look, prob not, but I suggest putting some color into your winter wardrobe this season, well, winter hair-style really, with some fake hair extensions. You can pick up a badass selection of clip in extensions for those commitment-phobes out there, this is the perfect solution for you if ya not hard enough grrrrrrrawwwwwrrg.mmrrrrrr!!
5. this season fuck buying a tree and stick one up on your wall, check out these awesome life sized xmas tree posters. I mean, in this day and age I hardly have time to wash my towels, ask my sister, they stink so bad, its gross. You know that damn smell, when ya leave things in a wet mess, but keep using them over and over, and then leave them in a wet mess, but keep using them over and over, and keep leaving them in a wet mess,... ya get it right.. so they stink. I'm gross I know. But..."I dont have time!!" So I am now borrowing some towels off ma sister.. which is working out pretty well, but they are so freakin old I get a freakin exfoliating everyday.
oh, so here is the link for the tree (you can also find some other random and equally awesome gifts here):
Hopefully this is enough to keep you entertained and tune in next time for a teaser of any antics that I do get up to (which is poss, heading down to plastik beach party today, and last night I went to one of those.. well, lets say Dad wasnt too happy when i turned up wasted and completely soaked to my bday dinner with lia (who was throwing up at the table) and terry (who was rather well behaved for once!).
More from me.
Peace Out.
Now playing:
The Cyanide Valentine - Nice And Horrorshowvia