neon orange contast cover stitching. check out one of my "love is a like a butterfly" arm bands, neon is the new black peeps. (made-to-order)

9.Tan in a Can!
Although we live in Dubai, some of us are ust to damn busy to be laying around in the sun... well, I am anyway. So, if ya like me, and find it hard to squeeze in a bit of down time, I think its worth spending the extra buck on a good fake tan, I've tried them all and this one is defo worth it: St Tropez mousse! it can be a little bit messy, so I recommend applying it in someone elses shower, or use the gym showers! I tried it at home once, and my once acid neon green towls are now a mucky color. But it's easy to apply, looks natural and will last a good few dayz. I suggest an every-other-day top up for an even, natural looking darker tan.

8. Bones
I'm sure I'm evil, but i bought this ring and....its awesome. The lady who sold it to me from a stall in portobello proudly told me "Its bone". Don't know whose bone it is, but at least its gone to a good home. (And I'm sorry I have your bone)

Scalfs. Spring, Summer, Autumn, WInter..... round your head, bag, waist... where ever you want! A timeless and seasonless accessory. I have a large collection of vintage, cheapies and market finds from all over the world. I suggest you start one too!

6. what's puttin' the poppin' in ma boppin':
70's singer Lynsey de paul's Sugar Me.

tea cups. these fancy lil bits of crockery are more useful then ya think! Use these pretty little things for anything but drinking tea. (I bought this tea cup and saucer for a quid down portobello. Its found its home in my bedroom and is a lovely place to keep rings and earrings):

vintage mirrors. you feel better when you look into something this pretty. check out the detail on this gorgeous mirror I picked up from a stall in covent garden:

fairies. I have millions all round my house. I love them! I am thinking of getting a huge one on my back. Here is one of my first faires, that I have had since I was really really little, like a baby propably. (ok, well, its not really mine, I stole it from my mum, so its preobably even older then I think it is!)

thimble collection: this wont be of interert.. to...many people I imagine! but for those who sew, they might be. I hope to see my thimble holder full by the end of the year! - xmas wish list someone!!!!

1. I LOVE THE 80s.
I try not to... but I cant help it! if you have a soft spot for this not so soft-hearted era, here are a few things you should be doing:
watching: Slaves of New York (this film.. its just bad-ass-awesome-Oh-
-my-god-I-miss-New-York-so-much-I'm-going-to-cry-AMAZING!). ANyone who loves NY LES (lower east side), 80s and fashion, esp hats, this movie is a MUST!
wearing: 80s prom dresses. RIGHt??!?!?!?!?! Who can't love these OTT, Jem and the Hollograms styley dresses. (oh, and add Jem on your dvd list! genius! I am telling you!)

listening: my fav REO Speedwagon.

thanks all for now.
Quiet Riot Paper Doll.
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Well written article.
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