When are you too old to stop partying like a rock star. I guess never really.. look at the New York Dolls, MiCK Jagger, Blondie.. they’re all still standing… well, barely. But for me, not being a rock star and all, I know that I can no longer afford these 2 day recovery days; can’t make it to the gym, too lazy to shower (is that just me!?) or even get out of bed (or just me again?). I’m just not hardcore enough.
It’s been a long 3-4weeks of “making an appearance” on the Dubai nightlife scene… not that I am special enough to even call it “an appearance”, or that Dubai is even important enough to be making an appearance for! But it’s my way of making myself feel that it is worth making an effort! My making appearance is a short hour of me, and very much sober me, hanging out while everyone gets messy on the dance floor… my tactic is too leave before I make a serious drunken faux pas which haunts me for the rest of the …week, until the next week I guess. So I’ve been a good girl, sober, good.. and.. yes, a little boring!
So this weekend was like a mega long bender, which left me rolling round moaning in my bed, well, the first 10 hours were spent rolling round on a friends couch, then in the taxi at 5am to my house, where I nearly threw up but kept it together (in my mouth). I finally forced some cereal (mixed with, not milk but, a protein shake – also part of my “new” “make-an-appearance” lifestyle!) down me, which was the first bit of food in 24 hours (defo too old to be doing the whole not-eating thing!) .
Now, 24hrs since the painful comedown began, I am starting to feel slightly more human, although looking far from the beginning of the night, which was now 48hours ago. I thought I look good, but apparently the rest of the Dubai “scenesters” did not! From ‘fancy dress’ to ‘what did you come as?’ to ‘you look like a grandma’ (which I kindda did) came from every angle. I don’t recovering period taking this long in my UK raving dayz! Or maybe I didn’t care some much about wasting a whole day in bed, I think I enjoyed those lazy, guilt-free, after party come-downs; now seeming a whole lot less guilt-free… But it was fun to return to my youth, and a little reminder of why I don’t do it so much anymore… If I’m going to dress like a grandma, I guess I should act like one too.
whose Mike Jagger?
what ever moron.
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