Sometimes I forget how much my life has changed in the last 7 months since I left New York. I don't think my New York friends would recognize me now! Back there I hung out in dirty dive bars in the East Village, spending most of it in the toilets solving the worlds problems or dancing to The Doors, Le Tigre, The Kills, The Cure, Stella Star with my long black hair and skinny jeans; now I find myself at parties with names like Plastik and Gorgeous, where people use more then a black eye liner to get ready, a million miles from Santa Fe (aka home), my local drinking den in Williamsburg in New York.... You have to go, its off the L train at Lorimer... highly recommended! Mention my name and they'll kick ya out prob.. nah, they'll treat ya good.
Talking about forgetting things, I completely forgot the whole of last night.. well, some bits are clear... It was me and my girl Linda causing a bit of trouble on the top of a podium at yesterdays beach party, where I have to say I did feel a little old with all these skinny young bitches prancing around in next to nothing... Ok, when I was that age I did too.. but its just cheap! Kidding,.. TOTAL jealous! The hot chocolate that I just downed is defo not helping me get back to skinny-bitch status, but fuck it, I enjoyed it, although if I'd drunk it slower I might not be feelin so sick right now.
ANYWAY, so my sister, who has been boring-weird-French-wanna-be for the last month (she has been punishing herself for having so much fun in France by not drinking or enjoying life for 4 weeks, and its been a long 4 weeks) decided to drink at the Plastik beach party. And dude, was I glad to have her back in full drinking form.. well full drinking form is not strickly actually! She ended up making an early exit, and think she came close to vomming it all back up. The last I saw of her was a hick-uping mess stumbling up the steps to find a taxi.
Okay, let me try and start the story from the beginning, something I am not good at. Beginnings are so important though, I just find it hard to start them...
I get a cab with my lovely ladies, Linda (who we are going to call Blanket from now on... i need not explain, its not really that interesting) and Natlie, and lia and the lovely Aymen cab it together. 200 AED later, and a couple of hours of driving round, and we finally get there! I completely blame everyone but myself. Between calling friends, the hotel (which had another location completely in the other direction, which we went to, which wasnt even on a beach) driving back and forth from Jebel Ali, ... ya know what, this story is pretty boring. I'm even getting sick of it.. so forget the beginnings.. I hate beginnings, middles are the best.... (I'm hungover and confused)
The beach party was pretty awesome though, and hanging with a group that were practically showering themselves in champagne made for good company. Dancing up by the table I did managed to step on a sharwarma (I have absolutely NO idea how you spell that, and I did try to dictionary.com it, but they have absolutely NO idea either it would appear!) which was gross.
(I should be out sunbathing, the weather is perfect sunbathing weather, but I find it so dull.)
Wasted by 6pm means bed by 10pm! I kindda feel like I got ripped off this weekend, a little cheated, ya know.
So for now. from me. signing out.
livin' it, lovin' it, laughin' at it.

Ahhhh...nothing like an endless supply of Long Island Ice Tea's and Champagne showers on the canal to start and finish the weekend simultaniously.
Hopefully part two will make it past 10pm.
we can only hope! and I have one word for you:
80 dirhams
oh, thats two words.
girl, it's lolo, who is also pondering at how much her life has changed since leaving brooklyn (and who much misses santa fe), though i don't think that my life has gotten more fabulous -- i teach in the inner city of Detroit, ha! just wanted to say hello and congrats on 2nd place and being one of doobs' hottest 100, duh!
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